Can Stem Cells Really Grow Teeth, Ask the Best Dentists in Delhi

What is the biggest fear that most people have when it comes to changes in their outwardly beauty? ‘Losing their perfect 32 teeth’ is the answer that most people come up with. In fact, having disturbing dreams about losing teeth is something that a majority of the world’s population has complained about. While dream analysts argue about what this dream really means, those concerned with the actual oral health have started working on a new theory – growing teeth from stem cell dental implants. Does it work? Even the best dentists in Delhi aren’t sure of it yet! The Experiment, As Published in Journal of Dental Research (JADA) The experiment was conducted at the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Laboratory of Dr Jeremy Mao at the Columbia University Medical Center and its results were published in the Journal of Dental Research (JADA) in 2010. The team conducted the experiment on 22 rats and observed a growth of new bone and periodontal ligament–like fibrous tissue...